The Avaya IP500 Analog Trunk Card 4 V2 provides 4 additional analog trunk ports on your Avaya IP Office system.
- Connects to IP500 base card – When connected to IP500 base card, it provides 4 loop-start analog trunk ports.
- Also provides DTMF, caller ID (ICLID), busy tone detection.
- Adjustable echo cancellation – Selectable to Off, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 milliseconds.
- Power Failure Transfer – When fitted to an IP500 analog phone base card. The first extension port (port 1) is connected to the first analogue trunk after a power outage (port 9).
- Maximum – 4 per IP500 control unit.
Changes from V1 to V2
- Echo Cancellation
- V1: Echo cancellation manually selectable to either 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 milliseconds or Off. The default is 16 milliseconds.
- V2: Echo cancellation manually selectable to either On or Off. The default is On. The IP500 Analog Trunk Card V2 also supports echo reduction which is set to On by default.
- Service Status/Line Status Indication
- V1: Individual line status detection for idle lines is not supported. As a result, the card LEDs and the System Status Application only show that the card is installed and that the line is active.
V2: Support for automatic line status detection for idle lines. The individual line is connected and idle or in use, as shown by the card LEDs and System Status Application.
- V1: Individual line status detection for idle lines is not supported. As a result, the card LEDs and the System Status Application only show that the card is installed and that the line is active.
- Impedance Matching
- V1: For this card only manual impedance matching is useable and only in selected locales.
- V2: This card supports automatic impedance matching at system startup and this mode is enabled by default. Manual or no impedance matching can be used if required. Impedance matching is supported in all locales.